Month: January 2024

Tree Services & Maintenance: Battling Bark Beetles

Bark beetles often attack trees weakened by drought, disease or other sources of stress; such trees are helpless against an attack from bark beetles and cannot recover after becoming infested with these pests.

Identification of infestation can be done through the presence of pitch tubes or frass (sawdust-like material left by beetles), entry holes and crinkled foliage. Regular pruning of susceptible limbs and trunks will keep trees healthy and resilient against further attacks. Toledo Tree Service can help with this, you can visit their site here.

Tree Identification

Prevention of bark beetle attacks requires attentive pruning, soil management and vigor-promoting cultural practices. Avoiding wounding the trunks of trees during flight season for adult beetles is key; properly pruned elm and pine trees can reduce …

Weathering the Storm – Preparing Your Ann Arbor Trees for All Seasons

Weathering the storm refers to surviving difficult situations while maintaining calm in an otherwise chaotic environment.

Fruit trees can thrive in almost any soil type, yet a thick layer of organic mulch provides them with significant advantages. Mulch helps protect roots from cold air while keeping the soil moist.


As summer winds down, fall can be an excellent time to plant trees. Many nurseries offer discounted bare-root plant sales in fall that last all winter long, making fall planting much more cost effective than spring.

Are You Thinking About Planting Trees This Fall? Check Out The Approved Street Tree List For Advice And Get An Arborist’s Advice When Making Decisions Certified arborists can assist with selecting an ideal tree to fit into your landscape …